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The Movement
Miracle Movement Ministries is a Church of the Lord Jesus Christ in which the word of God is preached, ordinances are administered and the doctrine of sanctification or holiness is emphasized, as being essential to the salvation of mankind. Welcome to Miracle Movement Ministries Miami, Florida! We are a congregation of individuals from many different social, ethnic, geographic and occupational backgrounds who have acknowledged our personal sinfulness and have trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ for our forgiveness of sin and for our eternal life.
We are a full Gospel Ministry moving with a fresh , but new direction. We give thanks, glory, honor, praise and worship to the one & True Living God, The Creator of Heaven and Earth...Hallelujah!
We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, and we accept its authority as our rule of faith and practice. As a church, we desire to glorify God by producing disciples who love, worship and obey Him, who demonstrate the character of Christ, who lead people to Jesus and who minister to one another in love.
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