Where Do You Belong
Armour Bearers Ministry is a ministry of service
They are not elected but are appointed by the Pastor from congregants who are in good standing, who are tithers, and who love the church and the Shepherd. “The main function of one who is designated as an armor bearer is that of service . . . for the biblical armor bearer was much more than a hired hand. An armor bearer plays an important role in serving the leader of service.”
Christian Education is providing training, ministry experiences and teaching resources. We want all believers to be empowered and equipped to be effective in ministry. That ministry may be inside our church building or outside the facilities. We want God's people to feel supported as they serve God daily.
Deacons/Deaconesses are those chosen and appointed by a congregation of Christ to serve in, and be administrators of, various works and ministries.
Discipleship Ministry is dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ, that every person should have the opportunity to hear the Gospel and make a personal decision to accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord.
Hospitality (Usher/Greeters/Food/Sick/Parking/Information): The goal of the Hospitality Ministry is to show the love of Christ to our guests and welcome them in such a way that they would want to return is a minister to greet members and visitors into the sanctuary or events that include food, serving, and ministering to the sick.
Intercessory Ministry is the ministry of prayer and intercession. Miracle Movement Ministries has Corporate Prayer on every Wednesday at 6:00pm or Sunday's at 10:30am.
Jail Ministry is the ministry were Gods Word penetrates prison walls, transforming, and renewing the lives of men and women who are incarcerated. God's word has the power to rehabilitate and restore ones soul. The life altering changes that are made through this ministry are profound.
Music Ministry is powerful voices and instruments ministering to God’s people with praise and worship.
Outreach Ministry is the ministry that consists of several smaller community base ministries. They but are not limited to: community walk, food collections ( food bank, families in need), Impact, Alcohol Anonymous, and etc. The purpose of these ministries is to assist those in need and help strengthen communities with Gods word.
Praise and Dance Ministry is a ministry of fine arts performing at special events, praise and worship and to minister to God’s people through the art of dance and praise.
Senior’s Ministry is designed to serve the needs of the senior adults members of Miracle Movement Ministries. We want to ensure that no one is lost or forgotten, even if they are confined to their own home or an assisted living facility
Youth/Children Ministry teaches and equips our young boys and girls how to become disciples of the Lord; also, to witness to classmates, friends, and family salvation. The Youth/Children’s Ministry fellowship through games, Christian movies, field trips, bible study, and discipleship.Youth Explosion and more.....
Womens Ministry ,MMy fFa
My Fair Lady Womens Ministry is where young & mature women from different background meet to fellowship, pray, give each other support
Men's Ministry is where men of God socialize and learn the word of God in a safe, fun environment. Monthly activities and meetings are held.